Connecting in the time of Social Distancing
What a time, we are having. The COVID 19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on many of us in more ways than just our physical health, which is...
Kinder, Easier, Softer
This year I am not making any resolutions. Not publicly, anyhow. Yes, I have business goals for this year, as I do every year. I made...
You Will be Okay.
Friends, the statistics aren't good. Anxiety and stress in America are at extreme levels and it hasn't gotten any better since our...
Gratitude - Working It, Every Single Day.
All these yogis and gurus, coaches and spiritual folks preach gratitude as a way to change your mind, your way of thinking and hopefully,...
If you can be anything, be kind. Even in the car.
I am working on being more kind. It's not like I'm NOT kind...I could just be more of it. I am mostly kind, except in the car. I am...
Face It. The Universe is Talking to You.
I don't want to sound morbid, but death has been all around me lately. My beloved Alfie passed suddenly, my current client who deals with...
Before It's Too Late
You know what people regret at the end of their lives? Not expressing their feelings or staying in touch with their friends, are in the...
Finding Your Own Tribe
A tribe. The dictionary refers to it as such: any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of...
A Genuine Soul Says Goodbye.
Like most mornings, I give myself a few minutes after waking up to collect my thoughts, send out some well wishes and intentions and...
Sisters, are doin' it for themselves.
Thursday, May 10, 2018 was a magical day. I didn't win the lottery, or suddenly lose 20 pounds or have every single thing go right. What...